

For some years now I've been interested in psychiatry and psychology, I think it was because I used to visit my aunt in the local mental institution. It's worth noting that in this day and age she would not! have been in there.Anyhoo, I've studied the subject for many years and even sort out help myself from many a psychologist/psychiatrist for my own problems, "Oh come on you at the back laughing, its no big deal, we all have had some kind of phobia,obsession,addiction,depression etc...at some point albeit mild or acute".
Did you know that some school of thoughts believe that falling in love could be construed as a mental illness? (must say this is a more pleasant form of mental illness, although in extreme forms can lead to side effects such as obsession/jealousy/paranoia)..etc.
Also it's worth pointing out that 'religion' to some is a form of mental illness, I mean talking to something that isn't there, and living your whole life by rules set in the dark ages by an unfounded source has got to be mad!..
It's the beautiful complicated mind that seeks knowledge when we think somethings not right.
Of course today its 'rock and roll' to call it therapy, because still there is a stigma attached to it, lets be honest, your nobody now till you've had a breakdown, which is a good thing as it brings it to the table, not like days of old when it was a family shameful secret,
If you graze your knee you put a plaster on, if your mind is grazed/broken...well people side step you as if they might catch IT!.
And to my fascination I have found that the psychiatrists and psychologists I have the misfortune to come across in my time simply put, "don't have a clue".Ive seen off many, I can't deal with someone who's only knowledge is text book and not experience. I have a library of books on the subject collected over the years, and only a handful written by actual experience. What the 'therapists' didn't realise was is that 'I' was studying them, forever questioning 'their' theory's and methods.
This is what bugs me, because I've always known that the answers to most psychological problems lie in something quite straight forward, but the mental health institutions complicate it, It's simply put, the answer is not complicated, but these 'therapists' seek to complicate, and leave you feeling even more confused, they dig a deep hole in to your Psyche and all the time the answers lie on the surface,..its all based on one word..'FEAR'..fear of the what ifs buts and maybes.. fear of fear it's self..
We are born with 2 fears, fear of falling and fear of loud noises, any other fear we have is either learned or conditioned.
This weekend I have stumbled across some very interesting reading that spells out what I thought all along, that the solution lies in 'one move'..I will elaborate further when I have tested the theory, but it makes more sense than anything I've ever come across before.I'm fascinated in how the mind works and how it doesn't work...
There is a whole field of personality disorders i don't yet fully understand, but its interesting finding out.The range is wide, as the concept of mind accepted here is far broader than what may (at least at first) come to mind, as one thinks of mind: especially thinking and consciousness. We do not however, limit 'mind' to consciousness, or awareness, for even long before Freud it was clear that a great deal goes on 'mentally' that is beyond (or beneath.or at least outside) our awareness.
Yet the scholars can talk and analyze..they need to radically change their methods..there are simple answers to complicated problems..And I'd like to add that, I've had one broken nose, several black eyes..numerous bruises, cuts, scrapes, a fractured wrist and at times a broken/bruised and fractured mind...
SO WHAT???..


Blogger Vallypee said...

You are one proud, dignified and special lady, Madame Noir! Never have I encountered such resilience (except for me of course..lol). Seriously, though, I fell quite still when I read your post. It rings so many bells. Let us know about the results of your 'test'?
I agree about the text book attitude of so many of these psychologists. I have experienced that myself and gave up the treatment because he made me feel worse about myself rather than better! I found my own way in the end.....and voila!

23 April, 2007 21:39  
Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Hi Gypsy,
I'd like to know more about what you've stumbled across too.

In the meantime, thanks so much for the wonderful surprise that came in the post today! We love it.



24 April, 2007 02:24  
Blogger grace said...

Well, a very interesting subject. The mind is so very complex, and I would like to know your findings. Who really knows what makes us tick really, eh? I don't know, would like to.

24 April, 2007 05:49  
Blogger MargieCM said...

Very, very interesting Gypsy. As one whose family has been touched by mental illness in various guises over some years, I have a vested interest in the results of your research.

It's an inexact science, and I believe the best psychiatrists and psychologists are simply people who have the ability to talk to people with understanding and empathy. Sometimes this comes from personal experience, sometimes from experience gleaned through careful and caring listening and guiding over many years. The training is important, but always secondary.

One thing I do know though - ain't no trick-cyclist can help anyone who doesn't want to be helped.

24 April, 2007 11:40  
Blogger Cheryl Ann said...

Very interested in the 'one move'.
I'm guessing it would have to be forward - from wherever you are at any time. Or is that too simple. I have also (all my life) been facisinated with the mind and why people do the things they do. Or why I do the things I do! Always a puzzle.

Gypsy, you are one terrific gal! Thanks for stopping by my place. I don't often update but it is nice to get visitors - THANK YOU!
Oh, and give Harvey a cyber hug for me! He is adorable!


24 April, 2007 13:24  
Blogger String said...

Nice post gypsy, you and I were posting about Freud and mind the same day! I totally agree about 'therapists' - coming from the side that had them in the family, I can safely say they were as **cked up as some of their clients. I never used them, being party to their 'private' conversations about clients behind the scenes...although there are always good people in most places...

24 April, 2007 16:43  
Blogger Mary Beth said...

Hi Gypsy,

Do tell us about your experiment!

I agree with your assessment of psychologists...I believe they often keep digging into the mind over and over to keep digging into your pocketbook.....

Is shopping considered a mental illness??? I bloody well hope not.... *bites nails*

24 April, 2007 18:20  
Blogger Lannio said...

What a great post. I'm very curious about this "one move". Psychology has always interested me - and I've studied it too. That's why I'm a fan of the more 'humanist' approach - which is the basis they take at the teaching college Mary Beth just finished.

Mental health is also a related area that fascinates me. The brain and its chemicals like dopamine are probably one of the most complex things at all.

Mental, normal, what does it really all mean?

24 April, 2007 22:18  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Well, take for example two phobias, ones irrational, the others quite rational..fear of spiders and fear of flying..ok, the therapists will analyse your problem in depth, take you back to earliest memories..teach you to face the fear..to 'fight it' like it was a battle, get you to visualise and relive the fear..your only response is to run, 'fight or flight'..(you must stay and fight it!) they teach you how to breath in these situations, The fact is that the last thing you need to do when panicing is concentrate on your breathing because you feel like your suffocating anyway..
Now then the two fears mentioned -spiders..it's irrational to fear the spider (unless its deadly) because it can't harm you..it's quite rational to fear flying because people do die in plane crashes, but having said that I don't know anyone who has been killed in a plane crash nor by a harmless spider..BUT the feeling of fear in both and all situations is 'EXACTLY' the same...and having a panic attack wont save you..
Your body is built to experience fear..it won't harm you, and the longest a fear attack will last (at the most)
is 20minutes..
Heres the good bit...
Instead of fighting the fear or coping with it..or even managing it...simply
infact 'WILL' it to get worse...
it wont..because you have took control and lost the fear of the fear..Try making yourself panic at will, you can't...
Also intrusive thoughts..we all get bad thoughts, yes we do,..these thoughts scare us, our first reaction is to push it out our minds..but by doing that it gets importance and then it becomes bigger, the more we try not to think of it the more it comes, often leading to getting obsessed with it...

The therapists have field days on this, analysing their little socks off as to why and where they came from..with lengthy cognative behavioural therapy to 'DEAL' with them..and all the time it gets more and more important..
OK heres the simple way...next time you get a bad thought or worry..just let it go..let it pass through your mind..infact wave it off as it passes..I promise it will lose its hold on you..and finally disappear.. go on try it now, think of a bad thought/worry thats bugged you..it's hard to summon up the retchid thing after you apply this method.

Thankyou for all your responses I take it as a huge compliment from you all....

24 April, 2007 22:28  
Blogger Metalchick said...

Hi Gypsy,
Just dropping by to say hi, and see how you're doing.

Congratulations to Chaz for her baby boy!

25 April, 2007 03:12  
Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Hi Gypsy,
I like your idea of facing fear head one. Only by doing that can we disarm it and make it less powerful. Thanks for your explanation, Dr. Noir!

25 April, 2007 12:04  
Blogger String said...

That was excellent about going into the feeling...I have the same belief, or self treatment, instead of fighting it, I experience it and suddenly it becomes much less powerful...it's almost like the boogie monster jumping at you from out of the closet...it jumps - you freak but that one onslaught - if delved in to never gets worse...if you get over that one hump...cool that you do the same thing...although I should have known.

25 April, 2007 17:22  
Blogger Vallypee said...

That makes so much sense, Gypsy. It's almost as if you are revelling in the fear and by doing so enjoying it, so then of course, it becomes enjoyment not fear...is that right?

I think it's a great principle, I really do, although I'm not sure I personally could face it so openly. If you think of the nightmares we have, isn't that a way of our minds facing up to fear?

25 April, 2007 18:31  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

LOL..anne marie.."DR von noir" (rocky horror)..
STRING..I just tested it out!..it was a small step..and the fear rose up..but I told myself.."go on then get worse..it was there but I held it, instead of running from it..phew!!..it was only a small step but hey..
VAL..The nightmares I have only bring me fear, and half the time they are brought on by eating late and something quite subliminal i'd seen for a split second..although some nightmares do challenge real fears and insecurities..I think I'ts the real every day fears however big or small, we need to change the way we view the feeling not the object of it..lose the fear of the fear and you can crack any fear real or imagined..

25 April, 2007 18:53  
Blogger String said...

Works for anger and despair too.

25 April, 2007 19:21  
Blogger Stevie said...

I have been meaning to comment properly, and always seem to be on the run... but I will, cuz I want to, but want to be able to sit and write well!

25 April, 2007 20:54  
Blogger Koos F said...

Before seeing the BBC films about the self, just this.
For over 5 years they have successfully instilled fear of terrorism in us, and now there is an even bigger problem: fear of high water and lack of drinking water!
Aaaaah, I am soooooo frightened now, please tell me where I can put my money to fight this huge CO2 problem!

26 April, 2007 12:29  
Blogger Koos F said...

Prison Planet has been my favourite for some three years now.
I have downloaded lots of films - they are not in demand in my circle.

26 April, 2007 12:32  

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