

whats this, gypo rummaging for rubbish at the local tip?...no!..
Holiday snap?..no!!
As you know in my perilous pestilential quest to find a humble spot to put a wheeeely bin, I have come across great authoritative battles and well basically a dead end...but then I found it..the holy grail!..not really..It's a space to put a bin of course!!!..next door to the chinese yard, and belonging to the neighbours downstairs, they kindly agreed to let me share this lowly piece of shit..OOOPS!!! land..
It's going to be tidied up and have a door put on...I quite like the dereliction of it as it stands..
Ah well thats another battle over with..hmmm whats next..

doesn't my face look fat in that pic..I look like a hamster with stuffed cheeks...heh!!..


Blogger Stevie said...

YeeHaw! Glad you found a spot for your wheely bin... and I think you look spectacular!
It's bunker chic, really, as you are at war!
and on the topic of photos, come see the one of Dale and her s'mores on my blog! hee hee hee!

25 April, 2007 20:56  
Blogger Vallypee said...

Nah Stevie, it's chipmunk chic...lol...Gypsy, you look cool and definitely the queen of your castle...it's the perrrfect spot for a self respecting wheeley..

By the way, the book has photos that make me want to cry they're so beautiful. Thank you so much again. I really hope we can come and visit soon wee one xx

25 April, 2007 21:57  
Blogger MargieCM said...

Excellent news, and I love the distressed brickwork look. No paint required, just a few strands of trailing ivy or deadly nightshade to soften the atmosphere and it's perfect. Might have to tidy up the path a bit for the wheels to run over is all.

Glad you've leapt this particular hurdle in your domestic arrangements. As you say, onwards to the next. And no, your face doesn't look fat. Just righteously satisfied.

25 April, 2007 23:02  
Blogger Koos F said...

I,ve always loved the look of hamsters!

26 April, 2007 09:39  
Blogger grace said...

no, you look cheeky in the fact that you have won a battle!! I love the old bricks and space like you are in a bombed out part of the city. Congrats on your new space. xx

27 April, 2007 04:13  
Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Hamsters are cute. I love the chic trench coat.

Congrats on securing the bin spot!

27 April, 2007 12:08  
Blogger String said...

A sigh of relief really, the quest is over!

28 April, 2007 08:45  
Blogger Mary Beth said...

Gypsy on holiday?? *LOL* You're hilarious!!

Maybe you can turn that little gem into a place to sunbathe...looks like it would fit someone lying down....hmmm, or perhaps someplace to hide the body....

28 April, 2007 17:16  
Blogger Vallypee said...

I was just looking at your photo here Gypsy and thinking it looked like one of those ads from the United Colours of Benetton..you know...very derelicté ...battle grounds and beauties...lol...shabby and chic...and no, you are NOT the shabby...

Hope the wheeley is getting its place of honour sorted!

I've spent the weekend drifting about in my barge! We had to push it with poles across the harbours yesterday to have the new engine installed and today, we pushed it back again. The engine's in (yay!!!) but not ready to go yet. Was great fun, and with this weather, Koos is already sporting his new chestnut appearance.

28 April, 2007 19:37  
Blogger Lannio said...

NO chipmunks or other rodents here. Val's right - the pic looks like an advert for some fancy clothing company. Gypsy's derelict duds, perhaps.

Isn't Spring just fine - all that time you can comfortably spend outdoors. Good luck with the clean-up project.

30 April, 2007 21:33  
Blogger Stevie said...


30 April, 2007 22:56  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

That coat I've had for twenty years..I bought it for 50 pence from a charity shop ..it's an old school gabardine, I had a green one too but lost it somehow..
love oxfam chic..so vogue/vague..
aka derelicté chic..
i found a pile of chewed up biscuits under the bed-must have emptied me cheeks!!..

01 May, 2007 10:11  
Blogger String said...

Can we call you Hammy?

01 May, 2007 15:54  
Blogger gypsy noir said...


01 May, 2007 18:06  
Blogger Vallypee said...

Most kids grow out of their school gabardines ;-)

01 May, 2007 19:02  
Blogger Vallypee said...

Hey Gypsy, I'm sure a saw a comment you left somewhere saying Harvey's been unwell and that things have been a bit hectic for Chantal, but I can't find it...meant to say how sorry I am and hope the little chap's ok now. Of course, I'll say the same thing over at Chaz's blog too. Hope you are well too wee one xxx

02 May, 2007 10:45  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Aye val..harvey was poorly over the weekend and had to go to hospital monday night, but he's all better now...fighting fit again..

02 May, 2007 11:40  
Blogger MargieCM said...

Poor Chantal and Darren - that's scary stuff. Glad to hear Harvey's bounced back.

02 May, 2007 12:47  
Blogger grace said...

glad all is well.


03 May, 2007 04:07  
Blogger Stevie said...

oooh, yes, very glad the poor thing is back in the ring. And hope Chan and Dar are not too exhausted. It is so scary when your little one is ill.
lots of love to all

03 May, 2007 04:45  
Blogger Stevie said...

oh, that reminds me of a story of when my boys were very young.
Justin was about 6 and Scotty 3, and both had to have their tonsils out. So, dippy things that we were, we decided, may as well have them both done at once.
So two boys in the hospital, both had surgery within an hour or so of one another, and me sitting in the children's hospital ward with two young kids who reacted very differently to the experience. Justin, poor thing, was quite ill from the anesthetic, and vomited for hours, and of course, because his throat had been sliced and stitched he started vomiting blood. Scott, on the other hand, at three years old and the perkiest little thing you have ever encountered, decided he wanted to play when he came fully out of the drugs and pulled out his I.V.... but only part of it, so his wee arm was spewing blood all over the place. Completely nonplussed by this, he waited patiently as nurse got the rest of the I.V. properly out and hopped out of bed to play with the building blocks he's spied across the room.
The nurse decided it best to administer his post surgery antibiotics orally.
So home we go the following day, and Scotty is right as rain in no time at all, but his poor big brother couldn't swallow because of how much his throat hurt, and he wouldn't even take tylenol which would have helped with the pain. After another day, I was concerned he was dehydrating, so I took him to the emergency room. Still, he refused to take tylenol or sip and water. So, old Doc Kavanaugh said cheerfully and in a lovely Brit accent, "Well, we can just give him a suppository. He doesn't have to swallow that."
Justin looked at him and asked hopefully, "what is it?"
Doc replied, "A big pill we stick up your bum."
Justin promptly took the pain medication and drank a glass of water.
Doc winks at me and sez, "works every time!"

03 May, 2007 05:00  
Blogger Vallypee said...

Lol Stevie, that's a brilliant story...what a wise old doc ;-)

Gypsy, so glad you are enjoying WW. I am humbly appreciative of your very very kind comment..love ya!

Got to do write the rest of the next chapter anyway now, so it's even more added incentive ;-)

03 May, 2007 13:35  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Thats a brilliant story stevie.classic!!..
no val its my pleasure, I'm going to catch up on the rest soon..it fab...

04 May, 2007 09:48  

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