

Gypsies gained their name from the commonly held belief that with their dark complexions and colourful clothing, they were Egyptians. It is now believed that their unique language, Romany, derives from Sanskrit which actually suggests Indian descent.

The black and white pics are of appleby fair many moons ago..the coloured ones were taken by my friend last year at appleby fair...They don't normally like their photo's taken unless your face is known..

APPLEBY HORSE FAIR is one of the largest horse fairs and Gypsy gatherings in Europe and takes place in early June, in the town of Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria.It is held in a field now commonly known as Fair Hill, about one mile north of the town centre.
The field was originally known as Gallows Hill, so called as this was where public hangings once took place. The fair is now called the New Fair to differentiate it from other fairs formerly held in the town centre.
The fair moved to its present site in about 1750. One reason may have been to avoid congestion in the town and thus reduce the likelihood of spreading cattle disease following a severe epidemic in the mid-eighteenth century. The dates of the fair are determined by the second Wednesday in June which used to be the main horse dealing day, but is now the last day. Travellers are first allowed onto Fair Hill at noon on the previous Thursday and prior to this can be seen encamped in the surrounding area. Caravans range from large shining modern ones towed by cars, to the colourful horse drawn vardos.
There can be up to 900 caravans parked on the hill, about 50 of which
are horse-drawn and not required to pay a fee. Wednesday is usually something of a winding-down day, as travellers must be clear of Fair Hill by noon on Thursday.


Blogger Dale said...

What a great tradition!

Nothing better than a day at the horse fair - with a gathering of Gypsies, too boot.

I've always been fascinated by the Gypsies and their way of life.

I especially like the black and white photos.

...I'm feeling a wee bit like a Gypsy these days, too.
You'll have to look for me in my travel trailer...

27 June, 2007 18:32  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Dale, just read your post at yours... you are a gypsy queen!..

I like the old black and white pictures too..

27 June, 2007 19:26  
Blogger Dale said...

I've often wondered why the Gypsies were always treated as outsiders and with deep suspicion...

Maybe the Europeans had trouble accepting alternate lifestyles.

27 June, 2007 20:41  
Blogger MargieCM said...

Odd - I'd never associated the word Gypsy with Egyptian - it's so obvious now I think of it though, wrong or not. Didn't know about the Sanskrit, either - that's really interesting. I suppose I'd always assumed they originated somewhere in the Austro-Hungarian region. I've never heard Romany spoken. Are there Romany and non-Romany Gypsies?

They have wonderful traditions. I'm glad some still use the horse-drawn caravans, (or vardos as you called them? Didn't know that either!). They've certainly suffered for their lifestyle over the years. Never understood that, but then I've never lived amongst travellers.

Colour and movement, rich traditions, close family ties, living your own way against the grain. Sounds fine to me.

27 June, 2007 21:05  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Yes there are romany and non romany gypsys Margie..A lot of their language comes from romany, several dialects come from Russia, Wallachia, Bulgaria, and Transylvania..the greater part of their language comes from indian origin, though they incorporate the language into their own, where ever they are from...it becomes their own secret language..

27 June, 2007 22:05  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

They do get a bad press, and in some cases you can see why, but for the most part they just want to live by their own rules in peace. They have more say these days with laws on their side, but alot of the old traditions seem to be dying..

27 June, 2007 22:11  
Blogger Stevie said...

Okay, I know what I am doing after tea with the Dali Lahma... going to the Gypsy fair!
Have you seen The Man Who Cried?
Oh my, Johnny Depp as a gypsy... it's a very moving story.
Christina Ricci did a reasonable job as well, but I think her part could have been cast better.

27 June, 2007 23:20  
Blogger MargieCM said...

Ah, thanks for that. What an amazing heritage. I'm glad to hear the law seems to have made some things easier for them, but sad some of the traditions are dying out.

Stevie - Johnny Depp as a gypsy? Ohhhhh, where are my smelling salts ...

27 June, 2007 23:44  
Blogger Dale said...

Johnny Depp???

Oh dear Lord, save me...

28 June, 2007 02:54  
Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Great post, Gypsy. What a cool fair.

My father was born in the Transylvannia region, and used to tell us about the Roma people. Not many people may know that they were among the persecuted by Hitler during WW2.

28 June, 2007 11:56  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Stevie..DO NOT! put Mr Depp and Gypsy in the same sentence!..i'll have heart failure..
Yes anne marie I did know about the terrible persecution of the gypsys in ww2..never understood why..

28 June, 2007 17:12  
Blogger Lannio said...

Its interesting to read posts because you'll never know what you'll learn - such as the link between Egyptian and Gypsy. I guess they'll have to write a song - walk like an e-gypsy. Well I guess that wouldn't work if they don't have wireless computers. But, maybe they do because the don't stay in one place. Humm, maybe while I'm away I'll have to think up lyrics to this new song title.

29 June, 2007 02:08  
Blogger Lannio said...

... oh BTW, you are right about the Salad Dressing. The explanation is under my David post.

29 June, 2007 02:09  
Blogger grace said...

How fantastic. I love the old photos. I think that I would like the Appleby Fair.


29 June, 2007 02:53  
Blogger grace said...

Oh yes, Mr Johnny Depp. mmmm!
Very sexy in that movie.

29 June, 2007 02:55  
Blogger Vallypee said...

OMG look what you miss when you don't pay attention. Gypsy this is so interesting. I didn't know about the connection with Egyptians either, although I did know about the Romany language, but I thought they were connected with Rome...really!

I didn't know there was still such a big fair and tradition going on in the UK either. Sadly I think Gypsies are often mixed up with the people they call Travellers who are not always real gypsies and have got themselves a bad reputation for stealing etc. I would love to see a real Gypsy fair though. Must try and make a plan one of these days!

And as for JD as a gypsy, it's enough to make any respectable lass lose her head, heart and other things that should be kept private..lol!

29 June, 2007 07:03  
Blogger Dale said...

I never understood why ANYONE was persecuted during that time...

29 June, 2007 16:53  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Thanks for the salad dressing explanation lesley..and yes, well, the egyptians were the first travellers..i've got that song in me head now!!..
Vally p, write out a hundred lines..
I must pay attention instead of bunking off to Pearl Jam concerts..
How come i've not seen this JDG movie??..
Dale, thats the sad thing about war and terroism..not nice..

29 June, 2007 18:18  
Blogger Vallypee said...

Haha Gypsy, think I'll be in detention a lot more then, and writing hundreds of lines. No way I'm going to miss a Pearl Jam concert when they're on my doorstep, and by the way, Eddie Vedder is in my view a good match for Johnny Depp. Both he and his voice are ultra swoon worthy.

29 June, 2007 19:14  
Blogger Dale said...

You have 1000 islands dressing in the UK??


29 June, 2007 22:45  
Blogger Dale said...

I haven't seen the movie either...
but he does a great Captain Swallow.

29 June, 2007 22:47  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Dale, that sounds like the porn version!..

30 June, 2007 15:51  
Blogger Stevie said...

I have to tell you... that... believe it or not... I fell MORE deeply in love with Johnny Depp the gypsy than the pirate... and I had a pretty serious thing for the pirate. Even told Ian if Cap'n Jack showed up to pack his ruddy bags.
You really must see it. If you can't find it, I'll look here for you. Surely it will be on-line somewhere. I'm going to go look. Be right back.

30 June, 2007 22:53  
Blogger Stevie said...

oh, and I had no idea about the Egyptian connection either...

30 June, 2007 22:54  
Blogger Stevie said...

Okay, I found it on Amazon the UK version. The link is http://www.amazon.co.uk/Man-Who-Cried-Christina-Ricci/dp/B00005K25F.
Hmm. Hold on while I see if it works.

30 June, 2007 23:00  
Blogger Stevie said...

totally does!
I think I have to go rent it again.
Or just by it. That would make more sense...

30 June, 2007 23:01  
Blogger Stevie said...

ummm, I meant buy it.

30 June, 2007 23:02  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

i think my irish ancestors were tinkers.. thats not good.. is it gyps?


01 July, 2007 23:26  
Blogger MargieCM said...

Going to have to raid the DVD shop now. Sadly, these days I have to fight three other, younger women in this household alone for the attentions of the beauteous Johnny. Ah well, I love a challenge.

Gypsy : " ... the porn version ... " (stifles smutty snorts and giggles up sleeve.)

02 July, 2007 03:28  
Blogger String said...

Now that was interesting! Lovely post gypsy! Yeah the Man Who Cried is very good...never have quite got the pic of him as a gypsy out of my head...in fact I carry it everywhere (my head I mean)...

02 July, 2007 04:55  
Blogger Mary Beth said...

It must be interesting to watch - I would wonder what it would be like to be them!

I had a friend once describe living in Spain and one time when she and her young son were alone in a town square, a bunch of gypsies began to close in on them. She didn't know what would happen, or what they wanted, so she took off running!

Hopefully this fair is more peaceful than that! :)

02 July, 2007 13:51  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

nowt wrong with that lace my dad was a bit of a tinker..

Stevie thanks for that link i have now purchased that film for-er- research purposes,
Val i can see why you swoon so..but anyway i have my very own beautiful gypsy boy neilypie :0)

Thankyou String ooh the circus is in town, i can see it from my window..should i be worried about papa lazorou knocking on my door asking.."want to buy some pegs"

MB the fair does see it's share of trouble with gypsy rivalry, hence the police presence but on the whole it's a family affair..

02 July, 2007 21:06  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Oh Margies seen the porn version too..

02 July, 2007 22:05  
Blogger Stevie said...

tell me what you think of Johnny the Gypsy once you've seen him Gyps....
...sighing dreamily, Stevie then forgets she is typing and stares off for a few minutes...

02 July, 2007 23:15  
Blogger Dale said...

I've rented the movie...will watch tonight.

03 July, 2007 14:03  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

ok whew.. glad to hear the tinkers werent as bad as my mothers side of the family (they were lace curtain irish.. or so they *say*) claims.. i myself am considered to be shanty irish since ive moved into delbuts shed..


11 July, 2007 03:03  

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