


AND WHICH ONES ALBERT (remeber he was obviously gay even then)..


Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

gyps.. my guesses:

you are the adorble lil one tilting your head in the front row on the farthest left.. the end seat..

your brother.. hmm.. lets see.. hes the one standing in the top row.. the farthest on the right..

and albert.. hes the one standing in the top row .. the 4th in from the right.. i say this because hes impeccably dressed! :)~


09 August, 2007 16:10  
Blogger Stevie said...

Well Gypsy...
I'm with Lace in thinking the precocious and adorable little thing on the end with her head tiled is you, but for your brother I think I am going to go with the top row, third from the right, and Albert beside him, fourth from the right...
are we close?

09 August, 2007 16:56  
Blogger Stevie said...

Oh, wait, I guess I'm with Lace on Albert too! I just re-read your post Lace... I should not blog before I have coffee....;)

09 August, 2007 16:58  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Hmm Lace and Stevie you are both very astute..
one of you have two right and the other, one..

09 August, 2007 17:17  
Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Hmm, I think Albert is the top row, 4th from the right, because that is some style he's showing.

However, I think you are in the front row, either wearing the stripes or the polka dots. Absolutely no idea where your brother is- back row, third from the right?

Did I mention the picture is too small in scale for someone who is close to needing reading glasses?

Miss Jeffries needs a makeover. What is with the hair and the "too tight" dress with the pop out button? Didn't someone tell her teachers can be style icons?



09 August, 2007 18:56  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Anne marie i'm afraid you do need glasses as you have failed on all counts..
However you are right about Miss Jeffries as that dress is abomnable..
unlike you who IS a style icon..:0)

09 August, 2007 19:33  
Blogger Stevie said...

do Lace and I have you right or Albert right??

09 August, 2007 19:59  
Blogger Stevie said...

oh wait wait wait!
Albert is NOT the fourth on the right of the top row because Anne-Marie guessed him as well and you said she didn't get any of them right!
That means we have you and your brother picked out, not just have to guess Albert.....
I'm going back for another look....

09 August, 2007 20:01  
Blogger Stevie said...

okay, after looking again, I am going to guess the little blod cutie right smack dab in the middle of the top row of boys?
The Engelbert Humperdink hair makes me wonder...

09 August, 2007 20:03  
Blogger Lannio said...

Humm, I think you are the head tilter. there's something sneaky about that girl in the pic. And Miss Jefferies does look like a >>itch. Oh, and thanks for your support of my beautiful sister - she is indeed one of the most amazing mum's I know


10 August, 2007 00:37  
Blogger Dale said...

You are the wee one on the bottom left?

Albert is third from right on the top?

And is that your brother on the top right?

10 August, 2007 17:41  
Blogger Dale said...

To find you, I just looked for a tiny dark-haired girl with her feet the dangling highest off the ground...

Then I looked for relatively similar attributes in a boy...

Albert could be the one on the far right in the middle row, too?

Like Anne-Marie, my eyes are none too good these days.

10 August, 2007 17:45  
Blogger Dale said...

I have to admit, even though I didn't grow up in Northeastern England, the photo brought back a flood of memories.

Miss Jeffries looks the right school marm for sure!
My teachers were mostly younger than her, except Miss Elliott, who had a bad limp and a squeak when she walked...we were all terrified of her.

My best friend back then, who happens to bear the name Anne-Marie, went to a Catholic school.
There was a big line down the middle of the school - and the school yard - separating the girls from the boys.
How sad is that...

10 August, 2007 17:51  
Blogger Dale said...

Now I won't shut up...

10 August, 2007 17:52  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Have to go and get ready now, sooo i'm going to prolong the agony over the weekend..heheheh!..
We have a regular Miss Marples here and Sherlock..
Dale i love your storys ...more!!!...

10 August, 2007 21:08  
Blogger Stevie said...

you are mean mean mean!
The box is on the way.. may take a few weeks to arrive, mind.
Hey, as I think of it, has Val ever had S'mores? Raised in Britain, lived in SA, and now in Rotterdam...
Val? Have we overlooked you in the S'mores 101 department????

10 August, 2007 23:06  
Blogger Unknown said...

My guess is that you are fourth from the left in front (polka dots plus the shoes) and Albert is fifth from the left in back. It's the coif.

Your brother....hmmm...back for another look...

11 August, 2007 02:06  
Blogger Unknown said...

On further study, with much more squinting this time, I will go with Lace. You and your brother are both on the end (on the right), you in front in stripes and him in back. (I still think the girl in polka dots is wearing your shoes...)

I'll stay with my first choice for Albert tho. Right in the middle of the back row...

11 August, 2007 02:17  
Blogger Dale said...

OOOH Gypsy!

You're a wee minx...

Have a good weekend.
With Neilby, I presume?

11 August, 2007 02:32  
Blogger grace said...

Whaaat! I have a twin brother aswell.!

Ok, the teach, looks like a bitch, scary one at that.

I cant make out who's who in the pic though?

12 August, 2007 03:36  
Blogger Mary Beth said...


I am never good at these things! I am going to say Albert 3rd from the right...I think you are the one farthest to the left in the front row....and I have no idea about your brother!

Your teacher certainly does look like an old hag...no hiding that!

12 August, 2007 15:10  
Blogger Stevie said...

come on then, don't keep us in suspense too long!

12 August, 2007 18:02  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Yes Dale with Neil :0)

well off to bed now..
hmmm did I forget something..

Oh yes, well done Lace and Stevie you are a regular Miss Marples..
twas I fidgeting with dangling feet on the bottom far left and Ken on the top far right, and of course Albert smack bang top middle with the poncenby smithe hair do..
you all got it right on the teach though... catch up with you all tomorn..x..zzzzzzzzzzzzz

12 August, 2007 22:53  
Blogger Dale said...

Well, two out of three ain't bad...

Hope your weekend was divine!

13 August, 2007 02:07  
Blogger MargieCM said...

Aha I'm back at last, but mercifully not in time to embarrass myself with inaccurate guesses - although, if I say so myself, I did get you and Gay Albert almost instantly - that hair is magnificent - did you ever see the original Italain Job? looks like one of the posh, rather camp getaway drivers in that. Lovely.

Why was the world full of "Miss Jeffrieses" when we were at school, and why did these vicious cows become teachers in the first place? Did the army reject them?

Just left a massage partly about your Neil over on Dale's. I owe him a drink. Hope you had a fab weekend.

13 August, 2007 11:45  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Albert turn out to be a very successful hairdresser as it happens with his own salon in the mall..and even his own hellicopter!!..
Even Hitler regected Miss Jefferies for being too harsh!!..
Redbull and Vodka for Neil then, but he rarely drinks..lovely weekend thankyou..x..

13 August, 2007 17:06  
Blogger Vallypee said...

Haha, wee one, I got you in one...just looked for the smallest, cheekiest..and I also got Albert, but didn't have a clue about your brother.

Good game, good game! as one Bruce Fordyce used to say. Glad you had an as onederful weekend with Neil. More hugs from here to there, and no, Stevie, I've never had a s'mores...

ooh er and sorry sorry sorry for my absence and abstinence...been a sad week, but better now..xxx

13 August, 2007 21:28  
Blogger Unknown said...

Okay two out of three and what the he** I can't read and don't know me right from me left...signing off now :P

13 August, 2007 23:04  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Oh Val..(((((huddle))))
Haha.Bruce Forsythe..."higher or lower"?..
Rache and everyone else who got it wrong...see me after class!..

14 August, 2007 10:56  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

::finally wanders back and pulls out a large magnifying glass.. inspects the kid in the top middle.. places the glass on the desk and nods solemnly to gypsy::

i can see now.. how i missed him.. but with the magnifier.. the hair.. says it all..

lol everyone else.. yall make me smile.. and you ms noir.. out for the weekend eh? i suspect you had a fine time for yourself?? :P


14 August, 2007 20:45  
Blogger Vallypee said...

Margie's right. The world was full of Miss Jeffries. I reckon they became teachers cos no one else would have them. Remember, it was still one of the few jobs open to 'respectable' women who couldn't get husbands right up until the seventies I would guess, so if they were too ugly and nasty to find a man, they became teachers! Mine's name was Miss Rice, and she was reeeeally horrible - and an alcoholic to boot!

15 August, 2007 19:11  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Ooh yes lace very fine ;0)..

Val my art teacher was an alcoholic too!!!..
He hit me in the head when he threw the blackboard duster at me :0(..i have a funny story about that day..hehe..

15 August, 2007 21:04  
Blogger Suesjoy said...

hi gypsy!
can't see well at this point in my recovery.
cool pic though!
take care,

15 August, 2007 22:38  
Blogger MargieCM said...

Jeez, Gypsy, if Neil drinks Red Bull and vodka I'm not surprised he doesn't do it very often! It must send him through the roof.

I do love your school shot. It prompted me to pull out some of mine. Then I remembered all that kneeling down so the Senior Mistress could put her cold ruler against our legs to measure how far above the floor our hems were. Two and a half inches max or you had to unpick it and let it down to below the knee. Then there were the knicker inspections - we had rather see-through summer uniforms, so flowery or bright pants were right out. White Bonds Cottontails only please (full brief, of course). Oh, and the girls-only assemblies where we would be warned of the dangers of leaving your bathers on after swimming, ("leads to a rather nasty fungal infection"), and the importance of not brushing up against the boys in narrow doorways. ("If it looks like you're going through together, and he doesn't give way, you should. Better he displays bad manners than you risk, er, exciting him.") Apparently boys in those days got most of their early jollies squeezing against blushing maidens in doorways. Believe me, if anyone had tried it with any of the girls I knew, it'd be a very long time before he felt like getting "er, excited" again.

16 August, 2007 01:49  
Blogger MargieCM said...

PS: I just clicked on the English link of the spam post from Camiseta thingummy. I know I shouldn't encourage this sort of thing, but if you need a giggle ...

16 August, 2007 01:53  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Suesjoy!!!!..OMG..welcome to the madness!..xx..
Margie, those were the days eh? innocent and lady like..well so the teachers thought..hehe..
we used to call school knickers belly warmers..also they made great dusters..
Ooh! brave sir Margie ventured in to the spamalot..

16 August, 2007 09:47  
Blogger Chaz said...

Small small world one of the girls on gypsies school pic now lives in longhorsely and has a son who i bought my blue mk2 project car from, cool eh?

16 August, 2007 10:46  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

Margie said.. Believe me, if anyone had tried it with any of the girls I knew, it'd be a very long time before he felt like getting "er, excited" again.

Oh that's toooo funny. I went to parochial school 7th grade on (to grad school actually). Our High School uniforms were wool. Wool skirt (rolled up at the waist and rolled back down when sister came to inspect how long the hem) wool weskit, wool knee socks. Till school let out in end of May. No A/C. No wonder I used to faint alot!!!


16 August, 2007 15:38  
Blogger Vallypee said...

And just what did they brush up against in these doorways Margie? Was it his or hers....lol

16 August, 2007 23:06  
Blogger Dale said...

I had to wear a school uniform, too, in elementary school.

White button-up shirt (short sleeves in warm months, long in cold), a navy blue tunic, navy wool leotards (in cold) and knee socks (in warm) with lace up loafers the same colour.
Not to mention the navy blue bloomers that went over my panties...
No VS by any means.

On phys ed days we had to wear our gym shorts under our tunics so, when we got ready in class, we just had to lift our tunics over our heads and, voila, we were in our t-shirts and shorts.

One day, in Grade 5, I changed and it was noisily noted I'd forgotten my shorts...

remember, we were co-ed

18 August, 2007 03:12  
Blogger Dale said...

Margie, how proper your learning years were!

We were even allowed to hold hands with our partners!

I remember Nathan...

18 August, 2007 03:14  
Blogger Dale said...

They must make doorways wider in Canada than in Australia...

18 August, 2007 03:15  
Blogger Dale said...

My high school English teacher, Mr Johnson, was an alcoholic, too.

He kept his "stash" in his drawer in a cough medicine bottle.

...like he was trying to fool us?

18 August, 2007 03:17  
Blogger Dale said...

Okay Okay...I'll go now.

I'm so tired I fear I'm becoming delirious.

18 August, 2007 03:18  
Blogger String said...

We all had our hair like that! Even me in Seattle at the time! Amazing.

18 August, 2007 20:09  
Blogger MargieCM said...

Lace - that uniform sounds monstrous! You poor thing. No summer dress? In winter, bottle green woollen pleated skirts replaced our thin summer dresses, but we had to wear blazers when in unifom outside the school grounds all year round.

Funny, two of my girls go to that same school now - it's very different! Believe me, they wouldn't be there if it wasn't.

Haha Vally - depending on the willingness of the girl to be imposed upon, possibly both.

Dale!!! Another knickerless story from you? My god girl you're unstoppable! I think you'd better tell us about Nathan, too. Oh, and the doorways were not narrower - we just breed our boys to be really determined. Or fatter.

To be honest, though, the whole joke was that it never happened - it was just some pathetic fantasy dreamed up in the mind of an old spinster as to how adolescent boys behaved.

With the exception of one boy I recall who kept getting erections in the science lab (no, I don't know why), it was all a bit dull. Or maybe that was just me?

18 August, 2007 23:44  
Blogger MargieCM said...

Gypsy - better come back quickly. Your blog's being hijacked by some antipodean misfit with unresolved adolescent schoolgirl issues!

18 August, 2007 23:47  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

Margie, actually for all I complained about it being too hot to wear in summer, I liked it, LOL. I'd started in public school and by 6th grade it had already become a *fashion show*. Who had what, and who was wearing it. I was one of 5 girls in our family, needless to say, we were far from rich. I escaped the embarrassment of wearing the same few outfits and one pair of shoes every week once *the uniform* came into play.


20 August, 2007 00:08  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

Gypsy's off with Neil for the weekend. What do you bet the last thing on her mind right about now is who has hijaced her blog ::grin::


20 August, 2007 00:09  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...


You crack me up.


20 August, 2007 00:13  
Blogger Vallypee said...

At my primary school, which was a catholic convent (oh yes it was!), we had separate playgrounds for the girls and boys for the first couple of years.

Then they decided to go all co-ed, and the schoolyards were mixed. Well.....mayhem erupted! Untamed hormonal urges ran riot ...yep they did, even though we were only six.

I remember the biggest craze was playing kiss chase round the playground, and there was this one little boy called Nicky Summers that all the girls wanted to be kissed by - me included. What an arrogant little toe rag he became - in about 5 minutes.

Just shows what an impact he made. I mean I still remember the little creep's name for heaven's sake!

We also had to wear uniforms,and when we were out of school we had to wear hats too. In winter, ghastly felt jobs and in the summer straw boaters. I liked them, and in fact, like Lace, I liked uniforms cos you couldn't tell the rich from the poor kids anymore. The only thing I really remember was that we had quite a few Japanese kids at school and they were always so incredibly neat, even after playing games outside. As Sindywould say...'s'not fair!

20 August, 2007 07:10  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

I don't know, I turn my back for two minutes and this invation takes place..send for das derelecté marines ahahaha!..

loved reading all your school storys..I could tell a tale or two ..lol....
thankyou made me splutter my tea over me computee..xx.. I think an embarrassing school tale would make a good tag!..what you fink?..

20 August, 2007 17:22  
Blogger Stevie said...

oh most yes! Tag away!
"How was your weekend Gypsy?" she asks with a sly little giggle in her voice...

20 August, 2007 21:12  

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